A Day Trip to the Radio Studio

Today we went on our very first outing. We love the couch, but we also love getting out about and exploring! We had a trip to the radio studio. It was hard getting in and out of the elevator (we couldn’t reach the buttons!) but some nice people helped us. We loved our visit to the studio, and we even got to sit on a new couch! Check out our photos below.

We're all ready for an adventure! Off to the radio station today.

We're all ready for an adventure! Off to the radio station today.

We made it up the elevator (with a little help from the kind person who pushed the button)

We made it up the elevator (with a little help from the kind person who pushed the button)

We made it to the radio station. Someone was a bit grumpy!

We made it to the radio station. Someone was a bit grumpy!

It was all smiles at the radio station (nearly anyway). We even found a new couch to sit on.

It was all smiles at the radio station (nearly anyway). We even found a new couch to sit on.